1. Education
  2. Social Culture

34 Millon Worth of Learning Books to Support Education for Petrochemical Industry Future Generations

PT Asahimas Chemical get involved in the student orientation ceremony of Banten’s Polytechnic of Petrochemical Industry on Friday, August 8, 2023. The ceremony was attended by the representative of the Ministry of Industry, the Mayor of Cilegon, the Head of the Serang Regency Education and Culture Service (Dindikbud), parents of new students, and the representative of industry companies in the Banten area.

As one of the industry partners that support the education sustainability, PT ASC donated 34-million-rupiah worth of books for learning support in line with PT ASC’s 34th birthday. Furthermore, PT ASC also assigned guest lecturer to help with learning activities and curriculum preparation. To support the employment rate of student from that institution, until today, there are 18 people in the first batch in 2022, and 16 people in the second batch in 2023 who will be appointed to work at PT ASC.

By doing this series of activities, PT ASC hopes to be able to contribute preparing a competent workforce according to the needs of the Petrochemical industry, which will lead to the high employment rate in the Banten area.

JUNE 2023

Enhancing the Quality of Human Resources through Project-based Fieldwork Practice in PT Asahimas Chemical

As a realization to our  Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the field of education, PT Asahimas Chemical routinely held the activity of Project-based Fieldwork Practice with the aim to give high school students applicable knowledge and experience in the working area so that they will have better preparation for their future.

In June 2023, PT Asahimas Chemical collaborated with SMKN 1 Cilegon to conduct a series of learning and training activities that include: ASC school visit as a guest teacher; Plant tour; Sharing session about the tools and machines in ASC’s production process; and the Practice of how to measure and draw existing display properties such as safety, process, and maintenance properties.

A total of 120 vocational high school students were taking part in this ongoing series of fieldwork practices. Those students are coming from three different concentrations: Drawing Machine Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Manufacturing. They are divided into six batches with different visit schedules and a different project focus based on their concentration.

After finishing the measurement, students then continued this fieldwork practice by started creating the machinery sketch accompanied by their respective teachers’ guidance. During this process, ASC took a part in evaluating the progress as well as providing the materials for students to complete their fieldwork tasks.

PT Asahimas Chemical believes that education and good quality human resources are key to the progress of a nation. In the field of education, PT Asahimas Chemical focuses on improving the quality of human resources and improving educational facilities. Programs that have been implemented in 2022 include:

Learning Facility Assistance  (Oct 31, 2022)

The learning facility assistance provided is tables and chairs made primarily of pallet wood. Throughout 2022, a total of 140 sets of tables and chairs were provided to 7 schools in the city of Cilegon and Serang Regency.



PERMATA 2 (June 22, 2022)

Asahimas Integrated Education Program (PERMATA) is a follow-up program for tutoring participants who have graduated from D1 Untirta. The selected participants will study for 2 months at ASC Academy and after that they will undergo direct training. There were 12 participants in the PERMATA 2 program in 2022. 


Industry Education (June 17, 2022)

Industry education is carried out by directly visiting schools and students are given an understanding of how an industry works, especially the chemical industry.


School Operational Vehicle Assistance (March 28, 2022)

Operational vehicle assistance is provided to 3 schools located in the city of Cilegon and Serang Regency.


Tutoring & D1 Untirta Scholarships (March 11, 2022)

Tutoring is provided to students who have just graduated from high school/vocational school in the surrounding area of the company to prepare them for the D1 Untirta test.


Inauguration of pre-primary school (PAUD) Maulana Hasanudin 1 Gunung Sugih. The pre-primary school nowadays begin to considered by parent, it's proven by the increasing number of registration from year to year. PAUD Maulana Hasanudin 1 Gunung Sugih reach 200 student in 2019. Unfortunately, the building condition of this PAUD, which established in 2012, was very concerned.

Based on that condition, to support the renovation of facilities and infrastructure (classroom and playground) that adequate in PAUD Maulana Hasanudin 1, PT Asahimas Chemical allocated a CSR Program to renovation the PAUD building. Asahimas Chemical believes that a comfortable facilities and infrastructure will affect the learning process both for students, teachers, and parents who accompany.


To support the enhancement of education quality, PT Asahimas Chemical donating 50 computer unit for school & Islamic boarding school in Kec. Ciwandan.



PT Asahimas Chemical shows the concern of education by providing the scholarship for student in SMAN & SMKN Anyer. This scholarship are given symbolic directly by the President Director Mr. K. Kinoshita and other Board of Director of PT ASC

29 JUNE 2023

Qurbani Animals for the Society


As one of the implementations of Company Social Responsibility (CSR), PT Asahimas Chemical routinely supports the celebration of Eid al-Adha by distributing qurbani animals in the Anyer, Cikoneng, Ciwandan and Cilegon areas.

This year, PT ASC held the distribution of 26 qurbani animals for various parties that are in the company’s operational area; Cipancung, Cinangka, Kamasan, Cikoneng, Anyer, Kosambironyok, and Ciwandan Village.

In addition to that seven villages, the animals were also handed over to Islamic Boarding Schools, Mosques, Majelis Ta’lim, Police Sectors, Indonesian Fishermen’s Association (HNSI), and the MUI Offices in the mentioned areas.

To support this agenda, the distributed animals were purchased from local breeders. It aims to help the business continuity of the breeders in ASC’s surrounding area, and also as our CSR commitment to collaborate with local communities in every aspect.

Social & Cultural

Having a good relationship with the community is one of the most important things for a company. In 2022, PT Asahimas Chemical focused on creating and maintaining good relationships with the community in the social and cultural fields. Programs implemented in 2022 include:

 Charity in Community Activities (Nov 17, 2022)

PT Asahimas Chemical is also actively involved in supporting community activities in order to create good and harmonious relationships with the community.


Donation of Basic Necessities (Sep 27, 2022)

The rice package donation is carried out for the community based on the issue of the high prices of basic necessities in 2022 so that the aid can help alleviate the burden of the needy.


33rd ASC Anniversary (26 Aug 2022)

The ASC anniversary celebration is a routine activity that is always carried out every year with the community. In 2022, the celebration was held together with residents and the surrounding community of the company's dormitory, as well as with the Gunung Sugih community by launching UPAH (Trash Cleaning).



Qurban Animal Aid ( July 9-10, 2022)

Assistance in the form of qurban animals was given before Eid al-Adha. In 2022, assistance was given to 25 different locations, including pesantren, majlis taklim, and government agencies in Cilegon City and Serang Regency.


Ramadan 2022 (April 2 - May 1, 2022)

Throughout the month of Ramadan 2022, PT Asahimas Chemical conducted many activities in order to build relationships and foster good neighborly relations with the community. Activities included giving gifts to orphans, zakat infaq shodaqoh, breaking the fast together, and providing free travel assistance.


Many losses were felt by the community following the Cianjur earthquake on Monday, November 21, 2022, including damaged clean water facilities and the increasing need for food supplies due to the number of people affected by the earthquake in Cianjur.

As a commitment to driving the post-disaster recovery process, PT Asahimas Chemical (PT ASC) through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has held 3 programs, namely the construction of clean water facility infrastructure, donation of food and emergency tents for schools affected in Kampung Sarampad RW 03, Sarampad Village, Cugenang District, Cianjur Regency, West Java.

The inauguration ceremony was held directly on Wednesday (08/03) and attended by representatives of PT Asahimas Chemical management and employees, the Head of Sarampad Village, local community leaders, social institutions, and surrounding comunity.

General Affairs Manager Idris Ahmad said that ASC came with a mission to help the community in Cianjur, which is currently in recovery process by bringing several programs that can encourage the life of the community after the disaster. 

"We hope that the assistance provided by ASC can be useful and help the recovery process in Cianjur, especially in Kp. Sarampad. We also hope that the community remains resilient and rises from the trial that occurred," said Idris in a written statement in Jakarta, Saturday (11/3/2023).

The clean water facilities built include the construction of a new clean water source (borehole), water tank, pump machine, pipes, taps, water tank frames, and 2,200 watt electricity. These facilities are built to meet the clean water needs of 200 households in Kampung Sarampad.

Along with that, PT Asahimas Chemical also donated tents that will be used as emergency schools for students of SDN Taruna which is currently damaged and will be relocated due to its close proximity to the Cugenang fault.

Additionally, ASC has distributed 200 packages of basic goods to help with the food needs of the community, especially with Ramadan approaching. The decision to choose Sarampad Village as the location is due to the disappearance of the water source previously used by residents in the area for 30 years following an earthquake. Furthermore, the area is one of the most severely affected by the earthquake due to its proximity to the epicenter.


 Community life sustaining water program (ASAHIMAS CHEMICAL #1)

 The community life sustaining water program is a program that focuses on helping to fulfill access to clean water     for the community.

 In the first stage, the revitalization and expansion of clean water facilities in Kp Liang Julang, Anyer Regency,     Serang was carried out.









In August when ASC celebrate the anniversary, the company also conduct an external social activities which involved surrounding communities in the form of sport activities called Fun Walk and One Day Open Tournament Volley Ball for Man & Woman. It's in the same moment with Independence Day of Indonesia.




Uphold the social value and the consistency of companies to sharing the happiness every Ramadhan, PT ASC organize a breakfasting with 100 orphans around company.



During Ramadhan, PT ASC attending Tarawih Berkunjung (Tarjung) to some mosque at Ciwandan and Anyer sub district area. Besides that, before Eid-Fitri PT ASC also held Zakat Distribution that routinely distributed to 25 location through Sub-district, Foundation, and another public institution. Those activity aims to increasing the engagement between company and community especially public figure in surrounding area

  1. Economy


Empowering the local economy is also an important aspect for the community. In this aspect, PT Asahimas Chemical focuses on empowering community groups and providing economic benefits for the people.


Empowerment of Trash Banks (Nov 16, 2022)

Empowerment of Trash Banks is a form of economic support from PT. Asahimas Chemical to the community by providing waste with economic value, such as paper, to Trash Banks in Kel. Gunung Sugih & Kel. Kepuh.


Empowerment of the PKK (Family Welfare Movement) Mothers, Bukarjo ( July 14, 2022)

The Bukarjo activity involves distributing mung bean porridge to Business Partner employees during the ASDM event in July-August. All production of the mung bean porridge is managed by the PKK (Family Welfare Movement)  Mothers group in Kelurahan Gunung Sugih.


Utilization of PT Asahimas Chemical's ex-pallet managed by Koperasi Bina Usaha Sejahtera that owned by the society of Gunung Sugih Village. One of the results of this ex-pallet is the benches and tables which then donated by PT ASC to school & foundation in Banten Province


BUKARJO (Green Bean Porridge) distribution from the Women of Family Welfare (PKK) Gunung Sugih Village to all business partner in PT Asahimas Chemical once a week during Annual Shut Down Maintenance (ASDM)


  1. Environment
  2. Safety & Health

Conservation & Rehabilitation of Coral Reef Ecosystem in Sangiang Island

Located in Sunda Strait, Sangiang Island is designated as a Marine Tourism Park that contain varied biodiversity. High sedimentation, waste deposits and boat anchors making the the coral reef in Sangiang damaged, many corals have unstable growth and leading them to the extinction.

In order to tackle this problem, PT ASC collaborating with KEHATI Foundation to rehabilitate coral reefs with long-term project. This coral reef rehabilitation program aims to restore the coral reef biodiversity population and expected to increase fisherman's catch and can increase the marine tourism.



Start by the Feasibility Studies on 2016-2017 by using polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material as a planting media for the growth of coral reefs until 2023 the coral reef shows significant growth results. Commonly cement is used to support reef growth, but PVC is less expensive, lightweight and durable material that can be easily shaped to new platforms.


The results final monitoring of 5 years program:

Biodiversity Status




a.       Biodiversity Index




b.       Coral Fish Population




c.       Number of Coral




*H’ : Shanon winner index


This activity as a result can improve the marine environment, fisheries and tourism, and bringing sustainable life for both the local people and nature.


This is one of ASC contribution for the enviroment.


Photo : 2016, 2018, 2023


Conservation & Rehabilitation of Coral Reef Ecosystem in Sangiang Island

Located in Sunda Strait, Sangiang Island is designated as a Marine Tourism Park that contain varied biodiversity. High sedimentation, waste deposits and boat anchors making the the coral reef in Sangiang damaged, many corals have unstable growth and leading them to the extinction.

In order to tackle this problem, PT ASC collaborating with KEHATI Foundation to rehabilitate coral reefs with long-term project. This coral reef rehabilitation program aims to restore the coral reef biodiversity population and expected to increase fisherman's catch and can increase the marine tourism.


Start by the Feasibility Studies on 2016-2017 by using polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material as a planting media for the growth of coral reefs until 2023 the coral reef shows significant growth results. Commonly cement is used to support reef growth, but PVC is less expensive, lightweight and durable material that can be easily shaped to new platforms.


The results final monitoring of 5 years program:

Biodiversity Status




a.       Biodiversity Index




b.       Coral Fish Population




c.       Number of Coral




*H’ : Shanon winner index


This activity as a result can improve the marine environment, fisheries and tourism, and bringing sustainable life for both the local people and nature.


This is one of ASC contribution for the enviroment.


Photo : 2016, 2018, 2023



Environmental issues are one of the concerns for companies. In 2022, PT Asahimas Chemical focused on efforts to reduce carbon emissions in the future and provide environmental facilities assistance. Among the programs already implemented in 2022 are:

Community Water Facility, ASAHIMAS Chemical #1 (Dec 12, 2022) 

The Community Water Facility program (ASAHIMAS) focuses on      helping to provide access to clean water for communities in the first stage, revitalizing and expanding clean water facilities in Kp. Liang Julang, Anyer, Serang Regency.






Beach Cleaning (Sep 27, 2022)

Beach cleaning is done simultaneously with the mangrove planting activity. This activity also involves the local community.


Mangrove Planting (Sep 26, 2022)

Mangrove planting is one of the main programs of PT Asahimas Chemical in the field of environment. In 2022, new mangrove seedlings were planted together with environmental organizations and communities along the beaches of Panimbang and Sumur in Banten.


Environmental Facilities Assistance (June 23, 2022)

The environmental facilities assistance provided includes giving trash bins and ashtrays in several public places and communities.

PT Asahimas Chemical is the only Chemical Industry that rehabilitates coral reef in Sangiang Island conservation area collaboration with KEHATI foundation. Coral reef media used are PVC pipes that free of lead and mercury. Based on observations over 3 years, there were many coral saplings which grow naturally sticked to PVC pipes. Currently 1,643 coral reefs have been embedded.



Fire fighting support that occurred at the Bagendung Landfill. This activity in order to cover the increasing of burned widespread area and to avoid more fire smoke that can causes the respiratory problem for surrounding community.



PWP rare tree planting activities and stocking of fish are the concern of PT ASC for the environment inside company area. This activity also aims to cultivating the rare plant and creating a beautiful landscaping in company area.



PT Asahimas Chemical with Directorate General of Marine Transportation organize beach clean up in Anyer.  This activity aims to  reduce plastic in ocean, keep the beach area clean and to avoid the trashes flowing into the ocean.



Supporting the cleanliness of environment around companies, especially before Eid-Fitri, PT ASC organize ‘Padat Karya’ activity with community consists of cleaning the environment and public area, mosque  also graveyard area.




Health CSR 2022

Health is one of the most important aspects that a company focuses on. In the year 2022, PT Asahimas Chemical focused on helping to handle Covid-19 and fulfill health service facilities. The programs that have been implemented in 2022 include:


Disinfectant and Health Facility Assistance (June 23, 2022)

Disinfectant assistance is provided to several educational and public institutions as part of the prevention of Covid-19. Health facility assistance provided includes the provision of drug storage and administration facilities.


Covid-19 Vaccination (March 16, 2022)

Covid-19 vaccination is one of the most important programs in the health sector for PT Asahimas Chemical. In 2022, booster Covid-19 vaccinations were carried out for the surrounding community of the company's area.



PT Asahimas Chemical located nearly Anyer Beach, which means the potential of disaster is high. To increase the awareness of natural disaster, PT ASC held a Tsunami & Earthquake Drill Lv. 3, not only for the Employee this activity also involved all community around company. 


Besides the community around company, environmental and safety awareness is also given to students in various school around Anyer and Cilegon. This program named PT ASC School Visit in Environment Management (Environment Awareness Program & Plantation) and Introduction on Safety Awareness (First Aid).


ASC's top priorities are not only environmental protection but also occupational health of their employees. As a form of caring to healthiness of Employee and Business Partner, PT ASC in collaboration with PMI Cilegon organize a blood donation activity









World Trade Centre
WTC 2, 10th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 29-31
Jakarta 12920 , Indonesia
Phone : (021) 521 1181, Fax (021) 521 1181
Desa Gunung Sugih
Jl. Raya Anyer Km 122
Cilegon 42447 - Banten Indonesia
Phone (0254) 601 252
Fax (0254) 602 014-015-018-427


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