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2nd Mangrove Plantation to Support Mangrove Blue Carbon Program

2nd Mangrove Plantation to Support Mangrove Blue Carbon Program

PT Asahimas Chemical collaborated with Yayasan Kehati has continue planted the mangrove with a total of 18,000 mangrove seedlings in the coastal area of ​​Panimbang Jaya Village and Cigarondong Village, Sumur, Pandeglang Regency on 28th September 2022. The first planting was carried out in December 2021. Currently the total coverage of mangrove planting has reached 36% of the total target 100%.

This activity is in line with ASC's vision of "Chemistry for a Blue Planet" and the Mangrove Blue Carbon program which is included in the 2020-2024 RPJMN national priority program (PPN) through low-carbon development (PRK) which has been taking place in Banten Province as well as for disaster mitigation in Banten Province.

This event was also attended by the Main Director and Deputy Director of ASC, the Director for Cooperation of the Kehati Foundation, Panimbang Sub-District Head, representatives of Tirtayasa University lecturers and students, community leaders, environmentalists and local people in Pandeglang Regency
