• Jakarta

Code of Conduct

The AGC Group Code of Conduct refects the Shared Values found in the  AGC Group Vision “Look Beyond.” Integrity is one of those Shared Values. The Code defines requirements for all AGC Group companies and their employees to ensure we do business with integrity according to applicable laws, rules, regulations, company policies, and business ethics. The four Shared Values—Innovation & Operational Excellence, Diversity, Environment, and Integrity—help us achieve the AGC Group Vision, while the AGC Group Code of Conduct sets forth the Company’s expectations for each of us to demonstrate integrity in our daily actions.

Code of Conduct Principles

1. Fair Anti Competition & Antitrust

2. International Trade Controls

3. Gifts & Entertainment

4. Conflict of Interest.

5. Workplace health and safety

6. Diversity and Inclusion

7. Reports & Records

8. Protection of Assets and Confidential Information

9. Quality and safety of products

10. Environment

11. Relations with Goverment Officials and Politicians

12. Insider Trading

Code of Conduct Flow Chart
