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Asean Vinyl Council and ASC Host an International Seminar

The ASEAN Vinyl Council Association in collaboration with PT Asahimas Chemical to hold an International Seminar with the theme "PVC For Sustainable Future - Enhance PVC Role in Circular Economy". The seminar was held on November 3rd, 2022…

Signing of Agreement between ASC and PLN for Purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates

PT Asahimas Chemical has purchased a Renewable Energy Certificate (“REC”) from PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) (“PLN”). This collaboration is stated in the form of the Signing of Agreement between ASC and PLN which was held in Bali...

2nd Mangrove Plantation to Support Mangrove Blue Carbon Program

PT Asahimas Chemical collaborated with Yayasan Kehati has continue planted the mangrove with a total of 18,000 mangrove seedlings in the coastal area of ​​Panimbang Jaya Village and Cigarondong Village, Sumur, Pandeglang Regency on 28th...

ASC's PVC-5 Factory Inauguration (Phase-7)

On 1st April 2022, Minister of Industry RI Agus Gumiwang which representated by Ignatius Warsito as Plt. Director General of Pharmaceutical Chemical and Textile Industry (IKFT) Ministry of Industry was inaugurate PVC Expansion plant of…
