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ASC Builds Clean Water Facilities for Cianjur Earthquake Victims

ASC Builds Clean Water Facilities for Cianjur Earthquake Victims

Many losses were felt by the community following the Cianjur earthquake on Monday, November 21, 2022, including damaged clean water facilities and the increasing need for food supplies due to the number of people affected by the earthquake in Cianjur.

As a commitment to driving the post-disaster recovery process, PT Asahimas Chemical (PT ASC) through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has held 3 programs, namely the construction of clean water facility infrastructure, donation of food and emergency tents for schools affected in Kampung Sarampad RW 03, Sarampad Village, Cugenang District, Cianjur Regency, West Java.

The inauguration ceremony was held directly on Wednesday (08/03) and attended by representatives of PT Asahimas Chemical management and employees, the Head of Sarampad Village, local community leaders, social institutions, and surrounding.

General Affairs Manager Idris Ahmad said that ASC came with a mission to help the community in Cianjur, which is currently in recovery process by bringing several programs that can encourage the life of the community after the disaster. 

"We hope that the assistance provided by ASC can be useful and help the recovery process in Cianjur, especially in Kp. Sarampad. We also hope that the community remains resilient and rises from the trial that occurred," said Idris in a written statement in Jakarta, Saturday (11/3/2023).

The clean water facilities built include the construction of a new clean water source (borehole), water tank, pump machine, pipes, taps, water tank frames, and 2,200 watt electricity. These facilities are built to meet the clean water needs of 200 households in Kampung Sarampad.

Along with that, PT Asahimas Chemical also donated tents that will be used as emergency schools for students of SDN Taruna which is currently damaged and will be relocated due to its close proximity to the Cugenang fault.

Additionally, ASC has distributed 200 packages of basic goods to help with the food needs of the community, especially with Ramadan approaching. The decision to choose Sarampad Village as the location is due to the disappearance of the water source previously used by residents in the area for 30 years following an earthquake. Furthermore, the area is one of the most severely affected by the earthquake due to its proximity to the epicenter.
