34 Million Worth of Learning Books

PT Asahimas Chemical get involved in the student orientation ceremony of Banten’s Polytechnic of Petrochemical Industry on Friday, August 8, 2023. The ceremony was attended by the representative of the Ministry of Industry, the Mayor of Cilegon, the Head of the Serang Regency Education and Culture Service (Dindikbud), parents of new students, and the representative of industry companies in the Banten area.
Now, the paradigm has shifted. The question is not why you should include a content marketing strategy, but how you should do it has become the primary concern. Without a content marketing strategy in place, companies find it hard to put their brand before the public effectively.
As one of the industry partners that support the education sustainability, PT ASC donated 34-million-rupiah worth of books for learning support in line with PT ASC’s 34th birthday. Furthermore, PT ASC also assigned guest lecturer to help with learning activities and curriculum preparation. To support the employment rate of student from that institution, until today, there are 18 people in the first batch in 2022, and 16 people in the second batch in 2023 who will be appointed to work at PT ASC.