Enhancing the Quality of Human Resources through Project-based Fieldwork Practice in PT Asahimas Chemical

As a realization to our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the field of education, PT Asahimas Chemical routinely held the activity of Project-based Fieldwork Practice with the aim to give high school students applicable knowledge and experience in the working area so that they will have better preparation for their future.
As a realization to our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the field of education, PT Asahimas Chemical routinely held the activity of Project-based Fieldwork Practice with the aim to give high school students applicable knowledge and experience in the working area so that they will have better preparation for their future.
In June 2023, PT Asahimas Chemical collaborated with SMKN 1 Cilegon to conduct a series of learning and training activities that include: ASC school visit as a guest teacher; Plant tour; Sharing session about the tools and machines in ASC’s production process; and the Practice of how to measure and draw existing display properties such as safety, process, and maintenance properties.
A total of 120 vocational high school students were taking part in this ongoing series of fieldwork practices. Those students are coming from three different concentrations: Drawing Machine Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Manufacturing. They are divided into six batches with different visit schedules and a different project focus based on their concentration.
After finishing the measurement, students then continued this fieldwork practice by started creating the machinery sketch accompanied by their respective teachers’ guidance. During this process, ASC took a part in evaluating the progress as well as providing the materials for students to complete their fieldwork tasks.