Obedient and Timely Taxpayer, ASC Received Taxpayer Award

PT Asahimas Chemical (ASC) proudly received Taxpayer Award 2020 and appreciation from the Directorate General of Taxes, Ministry of Finance – Regional Office DJP Banten. This award was given directly by Head of Banten DJP Regional Office, Jatnika, in Taxpayer Awards 2020 Event that held at Kino Tower Alam Sutera, Februari 26, 2020 and also attended by The Governor of Banten Province, Dr. Wahidin Halim, M.Si.
Taxpayer Award 2020 was given to the top 100 best Taxpayers in 2019 tax year who contributed tax revenue in Banten Province, including taxpayers that compliant in reporting Annual Notification Letter (SPT).
Compliance all across taxes and tax reporting has bring ASC to become one of 100 best Taxpayer that received the awards. PT Asahimas Chemical is the industry that always comply with applicable tax laws as one important aspect that encourages national development.
Besides Taxpayer Award 2020 from Kanwil DJP Banten, at the end of 2019 ASC also received two awards from KPP Cilegon City that are Award “Wajib Pajak Panutan PBB - P2" as contributed in PBB Payment Before Maturity in 2018 and Award in Contribution as the Largest Tax Payment Taxpayer in 2019 at KPP Cilegon.